Joe was first licensed as K5GFN in 1955. He has been on 23 major DXpeditions, most notably a proud member of 3D2R, BQ9P, BS7H, BV9L, C6DX, C91F, K4M Midway, T33C, TI9KK, TO5DX, VU4AN, VU7RG, XY0TA, and XY3C.
He holds or has held calls 3D2NN, 3DA0NN, 7P8NN, A25NN, A31NN, C6A/AA4NN, C91NN, C91F, E51EEE, K5ESE, K5GFN, T30NN, T33NN, TI7/AA4NN, VU3JLW, VU4AN/VU3JLW, XY4NN, ZS3NN, and ZS6/AA4NN operating a minimum of 5 days from most of those callsign countries.
His is a member of ARRL, NCDXF, INDEXA, GDXF, CWops, A1 Op, Carolina CW Ops, and the Carolina DX Assn.
A retired computer professional, Joe has been known to work major CW contests from his home on the shores of Lake Wylie, SC.