
Barry Fletcher

Licensed in 1972 as ZS1FJ. Also other permanent licences G4MFW and ZL1MFW.Honors Roll for a number of years. Awarded ICOM prize in ZS 2004. Beside being an active DXer having worked some 335 countries I am an active dxpeditioner.

I have operated small self funded dxpeditions in the following countries: Kermadec ZL8 as ZL8/G4MFW (1995)(Had I then had my later ZL licence I would have been ZL8MFW! Pitcairn as VR6AB (now VP6) (1994) Tonga A35/ZS1FJ, Fiji 3D2/ZS1FJ, Gambier Islands Fo0/ZS1FJ, Jersey GJ4MFW, Liechtenstein HB0/G4MFW, United Nations in Geneva 4U1ITU and New York 4U1UN, St Martin FS/G4MFW, St Pierre & Miquelin FP/G4MFW. A22DX Botswana was operative in 2001.

Followed in 2003 by a three man DXpedition to the various remoter islands of French Polynesia, namely Tubai FO/G4MFW and Mangareva FO/G4MFW(p)as well as Tahiti FO/G4MFW. This dxped ended up on Great Barrier Island AS-201. Also on the IOTA front, I was the leader of dxpeditions to NEW unnumbered African islands namely ZS23I Seal Island, ZS26BI Bird Island, Elephant Rock ZS31ER. Other Islands in the late 90's included Great Barrier Island as ZL1MFW, Stewart Island ZL1MFW etc Aborted dxpedition to Clipperton in 2000 as result of request by US team which was scheduled for similar date as an act of ham spirit due to their team being much larger than our 6 members. In 2007 operated Lesotho 7P8DX and 7P8/G4MFW at 11000 ft.

In 2004 I changed residence to Singapore. In Singapore we have power restrictions and due to limited space my antenna is a triangular delta loop 100 ft high with base 45' from the ground and the apex 100' The triangle uses 260 ft of wire. It works out rather well though I miss my big previous beams. I am getting on in age (75) but plan a few more dxpeditions.

Am now a member of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society SARTS. Also member of SARL, CDXCC, ARRL.

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